Barrett Blow

Position: Pre Owned Internet sales Manager

Job Function and Title: List sell and maintain our Pre owned Vehicles on the Internet

Languages: English                                         

Manager, Service Advisor, Team: N/A

Marital status: Married to my lovely wife Julie for 9yrs

Number of Children, name and ages: 1 Daughter Isabel Grace 8yrs old, and 1 son Benjamin Wade 3 yrs. Old.

Prior employment: Been here a total of 17 years

Part of town: Champions / Spring / Klien

Hobbies: Landscape, carpentry, stock investments

What I like most about the automotive business:  The ability to work with a wide arrange of people, and make a pretty good living doing it.

Why I decided to go into this field of work: I was 19 and I needed a Car, as a salesman in 1979 you got a demo (New Car to drive)

Favorite band or musical artist:

Favorite sports team: Houston Aastros